Sunday, February 10, 2008

New city, new baby, new job, new house!

At long last, after many complaints from friends who threatened to stop speaking to me, here is my inaugural blog post!

It's been a busy year...but we've finally settled into our new life. After a whirlwind tour of South Dakota, LA, and Salt Lake for Mark's rotations over nine months, Mark graduated from PT school May 12. Claire Amelia was born May 17 in Las Vegas, joining sister Julia, who turned 2 on July 19. We are living in Las Vegas to be near my parents and siblings -- plus, it's a great job market.

Life with two kids is hectic as many of you know, but always an adventure. At 2 1/2, Julia is our vivacious little princess. She loves her little sister and does a great job keeping her entertained.

Claire is our happy, easy-going one. She is already eight months old! She's very mobile, crawling all over the place, standing lots, and taking steps here and there. She has a contagious gummy smile with two new teeth and is just a little cutie.

Mark started his first position as a physcial therapist on July 1 and is really enjoying it. He has great hours and a great compensation package, so we can't complain. You know you're officially a grown-up when you care about things like health insurance and 401K plans. I am still freelance writing a few hours each week, which I continue to enjoy.

We closed on our first house at the end of August. The house is 13 years old, so ancient by Las Vegas standards, but it has a huge yard and a big covered patio. Many of you may recall Mark's affinity for the barbecue grill...needless to say, we have enjoyed our outdoor space. Also, our community has a series of lakes -- quite refreshing in the desert!

So for now, we spend our free time enjoying our girls as they grow up too fast, and spending any leftover time and resources on home improvement projects.


Staffords said...

Good for you guys. I am looking forward to feeling settled but with Daren's and my track record that is not likely any time soon. We are so excited to see pictures of the girls and can't wait to see your house and many more posts to come, hint hint.

Marshall and Dana said...

Finally, Im so excited to see pics of your girls. They are so dang cute. Julia has grown up so much and Clair is just a doll. You have to keep up dating. It seems like you guys are doing really well.

Brittany said...

Yeah!!! It about time. Just kidding. So glad to be able to see your cute girls. We will have to give you a call when we make it up to Vegas.